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When and What to Apply

INSECTICIDE destroys insects
FUNGICIDE destroys fungus
HERBICIDE destroys herbaceous plants
MITICIDE destroys mites

Many of the controls for pests need to be done early, before the “pest” is visible. Most of the pesticides do not perform properly at temperatures below 50 degrees F, above 95 degrees F, or if it rains within 24 hours of application.

If using on edible crops, look for the number of days to harvest for a safety factor. Or use organic alternatives like lady bugs and praying mantids.

Always read the label before you use the product, even if it is organic or if you have used it before. Gulley Greenhouse will not be held responsible for misuse and you can get seriously harmed.

If you have a pest or disease problem, take a sample of the most damaged area and bring it to us in a sealed container. We can help you identify the issue. Samples are the best way to correctly identify the problem.

Do not spray insecticides during the day when pollinating insects are out. It is best to do it in the early evening when temperatures cool.

Do not apply if windy because the drift could cause damage to surrounding areas.