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Weeding Perennials

Weeding your perennial beds can be challenging! We have a few tips and solutions that can help you get the job done faster:

Remove weeds before planting with hoeing and weed controlling products.
Mulch helps to keep weeds down as well.
Make sure to remove the whole weed the 1st time. Don’t let weeds go to seed.
A year-round weeding program saves time and labor in the long run.
When using an herbicide, cover the desired plants.

TYPES OF WEEDS – Grass weeds are some of the worst.
Annual weeds – live one season but produce 1000s of seeds.
Biennial – form a rosette of leaves the 1st season, next they flower, set seed, and die.
Perennial – live for years, set seed, have deep persistent root systems, and often have creeping stems.

At Gulley Greenhouse we recommend the use of corn gluten for an organic way to get rid of your weeds.