Temperatures typically dip to their lowest during the months of January and February across the front range. Average low temperatures for Northern Colorado range from 15-19F with high temperatures ranging from 43-47F. Additionally, our area is known for its ‘semi-arid’ climate. Combine low temperatures and dry conditions, and you can guess what this means for your garden... the need for good winter preparedness and watering practices! Read on for more tips to keep your garden healthy and yourself busy during the months of January and February.
- Please refer to our November & December garden checklist for some excellent pre-winter garden tips.
- Keep birdbaths full of fresh, clean water. Avoid water freeze by using an electric or solar birdbath heater.
- Birdfeeders should be kept full with fresh seed or suet. Prevent bird seed from molding with frequent cleanings.
- Winter water trees, shrubs and first year perennials when temperatures are below 40 F and we have no snow for 3 weeks or more. Don’t forget to disconnect hoses after use!
- Give a little TLC to your garden tools. Sand cracked or splintered wood handles then finish off with a coat of varnish or paint.
- If you brought a live potted evergreen tree inside your home for the holidays, move it outside as soon as possible. Most evergreen trees will lose their needles if kept indoors for longer than 2 weeks at a time.
- Remember to winter water any trees or shrubs as necessary.
- Plan which perennials you would like to move or divide. When the soil is workable, prepare the area by shoveling through the top 6-8” of dirt. Being ready ahead of time will make it easier to move the perennials promptly in spring before they begin their growth cycle.
- If any perennials were infested with insects or disease last year, plan to treat or remove them as soon as warmer weather comes around.
- Begin setting up your seed-starting area. Seeds germinate easily with warmth and moisture. Try using a sunny window ledge or build a box with grow lights.
- Indoor herb gardens should be regularly trimmed to promote new growth and to prevent flowering. For the most flavor, eat, freeze or dry fresh herbs as soon as they are harvested.
- Need to do some reseeding? Spring and fall are the ideal seasons to start or repair a lawn by seed. Determine the best seed blend for your soil, water and sun exposure. Measure the area to be seeded and estimate the quantity of seed and soil needed.
- Still have some poinsettias or other blooming holiday plants? Keep them healthy with plenty of sunlight and warmth.
- If you have already sketched out your dream garden, begin adding planting dates or project timelines. Use a calendar to set aside the time now.
- Enjoy the snow while it is here! Get outside and make a snowman or take a quiet mountain drive. And, of course, don’t forget your camera!