Bringing Houseplants Indoors for Winter
If you let your houseplants vacation on the back deck or front porch this summer, then by early September it’s time to get them ready to move back inside for the winter. Letting your indoor plants spend their summer at “camp” is a great way to give them extra air circulation, increased surround lighting, and […]
Build Imaginations with Fairy Gardens
Building a fairy garden is a delightful way to explore an imaginary world with your children. With just a few household and gardening items — and a belief in the magic of fairies — together, you can create a unique, whimsical fairy garden. A fairy garden can be thought of as a tiny safe oasis […]
Isopods in Terrariums: The Ultimate Desk Pets!
Have you been smitten with Isopod Insanity? Then look no further because we’ve got an assortment of cute, carapaced critters to calm your chitin cluttered mind. Not sure what the hubbub is about? Take a dive with us as we explore the unbearably adorable world of isopods. Isopods are crustaceans that have rigid, segmented exoskeletons, […]
Top Things to Do In Your Garden… Early Spring
Spring is the time to begin thinking seriously about your garden. Learn some tips and solutions for many gardening problems. PREPARE YOUR SOIL Give your garden soil the energy it needs to sustain bountiful crops by preparing it now. Using last year’s soil without adding in new nutrients is like asking a racecar driver to […]
Considering Containers
It’s the age of creative containers for your beloved houseplants! Designers are making stunning pots out of ceramics, metals, woods… and plant lovers are going wild for them. So wild, that we get many wonderful questions each day about sizing and functionality. Sometimes the cutest pot you’ve ever seen doesn’t have a drainage hole but […]
How to Build a Fantastic Terrarium!
As autumn puts outdoor gardens to bed, put your creative mind to work by building a tiny magical garden indoors. Terrariums are a great way to keep green in your life, year-round! Materials Glass container with lid Small pebbles Horticultural charcoal Indoor potting mix Terrarium-appropriate plants Fun decorations, accessories, and figurines Humidity-loving plants for your […]
How to Test Your Soil
If you are a gardener in Colorado, chances are you have stuck your shovel into the dirt and thought to yourself… Man, we have a lot of clay in our soil. But, do you actually know the true composition of your dirt? A soil test is the best way to check the growing potential of […]
Container Planting By Number – Tropical Cocktail
Download this article as a PDF While you’re likely not sitting on a beach in Northern Colorado, you can still enjoy the feeling of a fruity drink on your patio with these bright colors! This arrangement would be happiest in partial sun. For a 15″ diameter pot, you’ll need: 1-3.5” Upright Fuschia 1-3.5” Begonia ‘Red’ […]
Container Planting By Number – Berry Cobbler
Download this article as a PDF Planted in a blue pot, the reds and pinks of this arrangement look sweet, topped with a “crumble” of lighter greens. This arrangement would be happiest in a sunny area. For a 15″ diameter pot, you’ll need: 1-2.5” Spike 1-4 pack Nicotiana ‘Red’ 1-4 pack Dusty Miller 1-4 pack […]
Container Planting By Number – Blueberry Pie
Download this article as a PDF Blues, purples, and hints of lighter colors (like the inside of a blueberry) make sitting on the patio with this container feel sweet! This arrangement would be happiest in a fully shaded spot. For a 15″ diameter pot, you’ll need: 1-1 gal Spike 1-3.5” Salvia ‘Blue’ 1-4.5“ Geranium Zonal […]
Container Planting By Number – Picante
Download this article as a PDF Varieties of red, yellow, orange and green bring a little fiesta to your summer containers! This arrangement would be happiest being spicy in the full sun. For a 15″ diameter pot, you’ll need: 1-1gal Cyperus ‘King Tut’ 1-4.5” Coleus ‘Orange’ 1-4.5” Geranium Zonal Red 1-4 pack Petunia ‘Red’ 1-3.5” […]
Container Planting By Number – Candy Stripe
Download this article as a PDF Varieties of red, white, and green bring the holidays to your summer containers! This arrangement would be happiest in a shaded area. For a 15″ diameter pot, you’ll need: 1-3.5” Milinum ‘Flashlight’ 2-3.5” Begonia ‘Red’ 1-3.5“ Boston Fern 1-2.5” Coleus ‘Trailing’ 1-4 pack Impatiens ‘White’ 2-2.5“ Ivy ‘Variegated’ Like […]
Containerize Your Yard
A Gulley primer to container planting Container gardening is a beautiful and easy way to animate your yard with color, fresh fragrances, leaf textures, sound effects, and fresh produce. As more and more people move into condominiums, townhouses, duplexes and apartments, container gardening may be the only way to combat little to no yard space. […]
Elderberry Syrup
Elderberries have a long history as a folk cure for a variety of ailments. Currently, scientific studies are being conducted to test the accuracy of these health claims. While some uses haven’t been proven yet, elderberries in the form of elderberry syrup have been shown to boost immunity, decrease mucus production during colds and fight […]
Kokedama Tutorial
Kokedama, or moss balls, are beautiful living planters you can enjoy for years! Using very basic materials you can create your own indoor garden. Display balls in saucers or hang them to make a “string garden.” Materials List: Sheet Moss Soil (a mix of potting soil and bonsai soil is preferred due to the clay […]
Choosing the Right Tools for the Job
Using the proper tool for your garden project makes the job go smoother, faster, and safer. Though we use the words shovel and spade interchangeably they have different designs and serve different purposes. It’s the same story with garden shears. You’ve probably seen all the types of shears at your local garden center and thought, […]
10 Steps to Container Gardening
Add instant color and texture to any part of your garden, porch or balcony with the art of container gardening! Gardening in pots allows you to have gorgeous plants surrounding you, no matter how big or small your space is. Follow these 10 simple steps to make your very own paradise in a pot. 1. […]
Red Worm Bins for Small Spaces
Red worm bins are great for a small-space composting setup that will yield free, nutrient-rich compost for your garden. Worms eat kitchen scraps and create worm castings, which are a valuable soil amendment and plant tonic. Castings are often called fertilizer, and though they are not very high in nitrogen, they are full of plant-supporting […]
Composting Guide for Beginners
Have you been interested in composting but are worried that it is too difficult to learn? With little more than fallen leaves from your yard and kitchen scraps, you can make dark humus-rich compost to add to your house plants and garden. Many gardeners refer to compost as black gold because it adds so much […]
Why Build a Bee House
Did you know only three states have more native bees than Colorado? Over 950 species of native bees are at home here on the Front Range. Like bumble bees, many of the natives are plagued with the same pests and diseases that challenge honey bees. Around 25% of our native bees are listed as endangered […]
DIY Painted Pinecone Wreath
Here is a fun twist on a holiday classic, a pinecone wreath. This is a great Christmas present idea, and so much fun to make. The bright colors and unique use of pinecones make this a cheery addition to your holiday decor! Materials & Tools Pine Cones: you will need 50 – 60 pinecones for […]
Coloring Easter Eggs With Natural Dyes
The history of Easter Eggs is a long one. The egg is a symbol of rebirth and new life. Spring is the time of rebirth – all of those plants that were sleeping underground are awakened and begin to grow, marking the beginning of a new growing season. With Easter falling in spring, eggs and […]