Encap Fast Acting Sulfur Plus

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Encap Fast Acting Sulfur Plus lowers pH in high alkaline soil, releasing existing nutrients and fertilizers, so they may be taken up by the roots to feed your plants. Sulfur is excellent for acid loving plants such as Azaleas & Rhododendrons. Added sulfur also prevents environmentally damaging fertilizer run off.

  • Used to correct/lower soil pH, and condition compacted soil
  • Helps to make iron and other nutrients available for plant take up
  • To use on existing turf, use 2 lbs. per 1,000 ft², twice a season
    For evergreens, evenly spread 2.5 lbs. under/per 25' diameter of canopy, with a 1/2 cup surrounding the base, in spring and fall
    For vegetable and flower gardens, use 1 lb. per 100 ft²
  • Reminder: Bacteria in the soil help transform sulfur to sulfuric acid that plants can utilize, however, this is a slow process and can take a few months or even a year or two to take effect.